The ezPEAz Girls

What can you say about Alisa? I'm guessing she was listening to our mom growing up because she has become quite the home goddess. Alisa is the second oldest in our humble, yet crazy, family of 4. School wasn't her "thing" but, somehow she ended up with all the brains. This used-to-be pharmacy tech is now a stay-at-home momma of 3 gorgeous kids ranging in age from Junior High to pre-school. I'd say that gives her a wealth of knowledge to pull from! She's a gardening guru, a wife, a pretty dang good cook and an awesome listener and sister. Hang on tight cause this Pea Girl has a ton of awesome ideas and info to share!

Then there is little Mrs. Brook. She is number one, well in our family line up.  She is a loving wife and mother of three, two boys and a girl.  So she has some amazing crafty ideas.  She seems to always have a craft or sewing project going.  Oh- I forgot to mention that she loves to take amazing pictures and is a photo shop Geek! (I say that with love:) )  She isn't afraid of trying new recipes and loves sharing the ones that work.  Watch out people, she has some mad skills to share!

Last, but sure as heck not least, is Ashly. She is the youngest of us sisters. She is a SAHM of the cutest 1 1/2 year old ever! Her husband can make her anything that SHE designs for him.

Ashly knows what she likes and has a great eye for designing and decorating. She is a master seamstress and is uber organized (a little OCD, teehee).

Hold on tight, cause Ash will rock your socks off!! HOLLA!